Hardscaping Articles

Are Your Concrete Sidewalks In Need Of Replacement Or Just Simple Repair?

March 11, 2015

Concrete sidewalks have taken quite a beating this winter while contending with extreme weather conditions in the Northeast.  Mother Nature’s delivery of snow, ice and below-freezing temperatures have left many outdoor surfaces in dire need of repair and replacement. Although concrete is known to be durable and require a minimal amount of care, the ground…

Has The Winter Weather Left Your Driveway In Disrepair?

February 26, 2015

This winter season came in like a lamb and is on track to go out like a lion.  With all the snow and ice that the Northeast has experienced, many businesses and residences alike have already noticed cracks, sink holes and potholes in their once pristine asphalt driveways and parking lots. With spring soon approaching,…

Wood-Fired Pizza Ovens Bring the Taste of Italy Right to Your Door

February 12, 2015

Although it is said that traditional Neapolitan-style pizza was created in Italy sometime during the 18th century, it became quite popular in America after soldiers stationed in Italy during WWII returned to the US.  Pizza has now become an iconic dish in America, with its popularity rivaling the hot dog and the cheeseburger, with both…

It Really Is Possible to Have Your Own Indoor Wine Cellar

January 28, 2015

If you consider yourself a wine connoisseur, then visiting the wine cellar at your favorite restaurant is most likely a highlight of going out to dinner.  The wine has been aged perfectly, is the precise temperature and somehow seems to taste better, as if the cellar itself holds some kind of mystical power.  Although that…

Pay Attention To Drainage Issues This Winter

January 15, 2015

While the chilly weather outside may keep many New Jersey residents indoors for a good amount of time, now is the perfect time to pay attention to what’s going on outside your home.  One issue in particular that is worth watching out for is any issues with drainage around your home.  By noticing what’s going…

Adding Ambiance to Your Home with an Indoor Fireplace

December 31, 2014

A warm and cozy family gathering; roasting marshmallows with the children; snuggling up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate; a romantic evening with your loved one…these are some of the beautiful images that are often conjured up when thinking about relaxing in front your very own fireplace. Indoor fireplaces can enhance…

Indoor Fireplace Safety

December 26, 2014

Indoor fireplaces add warmth and ambiance to a home, but before you light that match to get the flames burning bright, it’s important to make sure you are taking proper safety precautions so that your enjoyment doesn’t turn into potential disaster.  It is estimated that approximately 12,000 people or more die each year in the…

Keeping Roads Safe with Salt or Sand this Winter Season

December 18, 2014

As the snowy season quickly approaches, it is yet time again for the big debate:  Which to use this year to combat snow and ice on our roadways, salt or sand?  Although parts of the tri-state area experienced a warm start to the fall season, winter has come upon us pretty quickly.  With temperatures already…

I’m Dreaming Of An…Outdoor Kitchen!

December 11, 2014

This may be the season for holiday cheer and spending time with the family, but it’s also a great time to start planning for the outdoor kitchen of your dreams. Spring is only a few months away and there’s a lot to think about when designing your perfect outdoor space.  Of course your contractor will…

What To Look For When Hiring A Masonry Contractor

December 4, 2014

If you have been thinking about having any type of hardscaping project done around your home, you may be wondering how you begin the process of finding a qualified masonry contractor to not only complete the job, but to get the job done right.  We’re put together a few tips for hiring masonry contractors so…

Enjoy Your Outdoor Fireplace This Thanksgiving

November 26, 2014

While the focus of the Thanksgiving holiday is often on the big bird on the table, it’s also the perfect time to sit back and enjoy every moment of being together with family from near and far.  If your thanksgiving this year is keeping you in NJ or NY, you’ll be dealing with a relatively…

Winter’s Coming!  Prepare For Snow and Ice Removal

November 19, 2014

Winter will shortly be upon us, and if the recent fall weather is any indication of what’s in store for us in the Northeast in the coming season, we better be prepared for some cold temperatures and a plan to deal with snow and ice removal.  Although we hopefully won’t experience a winter as extreme…